Saturday, October 11, 2014

FREE Panasonic Hair Dryer with Dove products purchase + My First Online Shopping Experience with Watsons

  买Dove洗发水送Panasonic吹风机?真的有这么好康喔!在Watsons Online Store 购买RM45或以上的Dove产品,就送Panasonic吹风机。优惠至27 October 2014,赶快行动喔!

  Get a FREE Panasonic Hair Dryer, when you shop online at Watsons. Simply purchase any Dove products worth RM45 or above (including 1 Dove Hair Product).

  Promotion is valid until 27 October 2014.

  嘉嘉也是第一次从Watsons Online store购物,interface大致上和其他网上商城一样,很简单,就把你想购买的商品加入购物车,最后结帐即可。

  This is the first time i shop online from Watsons Online store. The interface is simple and user friendly.


  One thing you need to consider is that they do not deliver your order to your doorstep. All products are delivered to Watsons store. So, just choose a store you prefer.

  只要选择州属和区域,就可以从Google Map中选择你想要的门市。

  The interface is easy, just select your state and area, you will see all Watsons stores on the Google Map.

  送货时间需要2-5个工作日。嘉嘉是周六下订单,刚巧周一是假日,周三下午已经收到email 和sms,说产品已经到达门市了。产品会保留3天,嘉嘉觉得这期限也太短了吧!不过相信可以联络门市,延长保留的时间应该不是太大的问题。

  Delivery takes 2-5 working days. I place the order on Saturday, Monday is public holiday. I received email and sms notifications that my order had arrived at Watsons store on Wednesday evening. You are given 3 days to collect your order.


  这个Panasonic吹风机是EH-ND11,白色(没得选择喔),价值大概RM40。除了吹风机,还送Nivea Body Lotion In-shower Whitening Skin Conditioner(100ml,RM5.90)。

  I bough 3 shampoo (375ml) and 2 conditioner (350ml), RM10.43 each. The Panasonic Hair Dryer model is EH-ND11, white in color and worth RM40. There is also another free gift, Nivea Body Lotion In-shower Whitening Skin Conditioner (100ml, worth RM5.90).

  花了RM53.15大元,却拿了价值RM45.90的赠品,是不是很好康呢?有兴趣的童鞋们赶快下手喔,优惠至 27 October 2014。

Saturday, October 4, 2014




材料薏仁 50g薏仁 50g,鲜腐竹 1包,香兰叶,糖/冰糖酌量,水 2000ml

1)小薏仁,大薏仁和香兰叶洗干净,放进锅里,大火烧开转小火,煮 45 分钟。


  嘉嘉用的这个鲜腐竹,或称“豆包”是在巴刹,卖豆制品的摊位买的。如果住槟城的朋友,可以在亚依淡(Ayer Itam)巴刹买到。
