Tuesday, October 22, 2013

11个抗橘皮组织的食物 11 Foods That Stop Cellulite 【转载】


1. Pineapple 凤梨

Rich in potassium and vitamin C, pineapple is also chock-full of Bromelain, which helps increase blood circulation.

含丰富的钾和维生素 C,以及菠萝蛋白酶/凤梨酵素,有助于增加血液循环。

2. Water 水

Drinking at least eight glasses of water each day will help plump the skin and make it look thicker and more supple to camouflage cellulite. Water also helps the body release stored toxins.


3. Asparagus 芦笋

This healthy food strengthens veins and capillaries so that blood circulation is normalized. It also acts as a diuretic, forcing the body to release toxins.


4. Green Tea

Green tea contains catechins, which have been shown to help prevent the breakdown of collagen, a necessary component for strong, firm skin.


5. Sunflower Seeds 向日葵种子

These antioxidant-rich seeds are said to help strengthen weak tissue, which can be linked to cellulite.


6. Chili Peppers 辣椒

This spicy food increases the body's ability to produce heat internally, so that the body can burn fat faster.


7. Bananas 香蕉

A good booster for blood vessels and great for assisting in healthy circulation, they're also a good source of potassium, vitamin B6 and magnesium.

含钾,维生素 B6和镁。可以强化血管,帮助血液循环。

8. Broccoli 西兰花

Contains alpha lipoic acid, which helps prevent the hardening of collagen caused by sugar. It's also a good source of selenium and calcium.


9. Citrus 柑橘

All are excellent sources of vitamin C. Orange contain Methoxylated Bioflavonoids, which can improve circulation and strengthen capillaries.


10. Oily fish 油性鱼

Salmon, sardines, tuna, trout and bass are all low in fat and high in cellulite-fighting proteins and minerals. Also good sources of essential fatty acids.


11. Pears 梨子

A good detoxifier, pears can help reduce the effects of pollutants in the body, assisting the lymphatic system. A good source of fiber and potassium, too.


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