Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mom's Recipe ~ Rendang Curry Chicken 酸辣干咖喱鸡


材料 Ingredients:
鸡腿 ...... 2只,去皮切块(2 whole chicken leg, chopped)
马铃薯 ...... 3~4粒, 去皮切块蒸熟 (Cut potatoes into cubes, steam till tender)
番茄 ...... 2粒 (Cut tomatoes into halves or quarters, depending on the size)

自制辣椒酱(chili paste) ...... 2~3 tbs
葱头仔(minced shallots) ...... 100g,切碎
黄姜(fresh turmeric, sliced)...... 1小块切片
香茅(lemongrass) ...... 1~2支切段
咖喱叶(curry leaves) ...... 2~3支
浓椰浆(coconut milk) ...... 100ml
罗望子汁 (tamarind water) ...... 1/2 cup

香料 Herbs:
罂粟籽(poppy seed)...... 1tbs
芫荽粉(coriander seed powder)...... 2tbs

调味料 Seasoning
糖(sugar)...... 2tbs
盐(salt)...... 1tsp

做法 Methods:
  Heat a wok and add 5 tablespoon of cooking oil.
  Add turmeric and lemongrass. Stir-fry till fragrant.
  Add minced shallot.
  Add spice and curry leaves.

  Add in chili paste, stir-fry until the paste begins to release its fragrant aromas and the oil starts to oozes out. Be careful not to burn it!

  Add in chicken and stir-fry for a while, add in tomatoes and potatoes

  Add tamarind water. Season with sugar and salt to taste.

  Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

  Finally, stir in coconut milk and bring to a boil.


小贴士 Tips:
1)辣椒酱 Homemade Chili paste:

  Cut dried chillies into pieces with scissors. Wash and soak in warm water till soft.
  In a blender, place dried chillies and ginger with some water, blend until smooth.

2)罗望子(阿叁膏)汁 Tamarind water
  Soak tamarind into hot water and strain for tamarind water

  罂粟籽是在Tesco 买的,如果直接煮,罂粟籽不易溶解,吃起来口感就不好。要磨成粉嘛,罂粟籽那么小颗,一般家用的搅拌机很难将它磨成粉状。

  Wash and slightly soak the poppy seeds. Use a mortar and pestle to grind the seeds until fine.

  Do not overcook after adding coconut milk.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

排骨咸菜汤 Salted Vegetable with Pork Ribs Soup

咸菜鸭肉汤或Kiam Chye Ark,相信很多家庭过年过节都会煮吧。虽然年已经过完很久了,不过想吃就煮嘛,管他什么日子。嘉嘉这次就没用鸭肉,改用排骨,就煮个排骨咸菜汤呗。

材料 Ingredients:
咸菜 (salted vegetables)...... 300g
排骨(pork ribs)...... 600g 切块 (You can ask the butcher to cut the pork ribs into small pieces )
五花肉(pork belly)...... 300g 切块(Cut into 2 inches cubes)
番茄(tomato) ...... 2粒(Cut into halves or quarters, depending on the size of the tomatoes )
酸梅 (sour plums)...... 4~5粒
豆蔻核 (nutmeg seed)...... 1~2粒
白胡椒粒 (white pepper)...... 1/2 tsp
姜(ginger)...... 5~6 slices
水(water) ...... 2公升

调味料 Seasoning:
糖(sugar) ...... 适量

做法 Methods:
      Clean and cut the salted vegetables into smaller pieces. You can soak in water for about 30 minutes to reduce the saltiness.

      Wash and blanch pork ribs and pork belly in boiling water for 5 minutes to remove scum.

      In a soup pot or slow cooker, add water and bring to a boil.
      Add all ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil again. Lower heat and simmer for 2 hours.

      Finally, add in seasoning to taste.

小贴士 Tips:
      If you soak the salted vegetables, remember to drain out the excess water.

      Adjust the amount of seasoning based on your taste preference.

      Add tomatoes at last minute, just to heat through.

香菇虾米糯米饭 Steamed Glutinous Rice


材料 Ingredients:
糯米(glutinous rice) ...... 3米杯(cup)
水 (water)...... 300ml
虾米(dried shrimp) ...... 10g
香菇(dried mushroom) ...... 4~5朵
蒜末(garlic) ...... 2~3瓣
葱头仔(shallot) ...... 4~5粒,切碎
香茅(lemongrass) ...... 1支
姜(ginger) ...... 两片切丝

其他材料 Other ingredients:
鸡肉(chicken),三层肉(pork belly),干贝(dried scallops) 或腊肠(chinese sausage)(随自己喜欢)

调味料 Seasoning:
糖(sugar) ...... 2 tbs
盐(salt) ...... 1 tsp
酱油(soy sauce) ...... 2 tbs
黑酱油(thick soy sauce) ...... 适量
胡椒粉(pepper) ...... 适量

配料 Garnishing:
葱末 (sliced spring onions)
红辣椒(red chili)

做法 Methods:
      Wash the glutinous rice and soak for at least 4 hours or overnight. Drain and set aside.

      Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.

      Wash the dried shrimps.

      Heat a wok and add 2 tablespoon of cooking oil. Add minced garlic, shallot, ginger and lemongrass. Stir-fry till fragrant.

      Add mushrooms, dried shrimps and other ingredients, stir-fry for another 1 minute.

      Slowly add in water and add in seasoning to taste.

      Add in glutinous rice and stir to mix well. Make sure that the rice is evenly coated with the sauce.

     Transfer the glutinous rice mixture to a steamer. Steam in high heat for at least 30 minutes or until the rice is cooked.

      Garnish with spring onion and chili and serve it up!

小贴士 Tips:


      Half way during cooking, open the wok cover and use a fork to turn the rice over to ensure that it cooks evenly. Make sure that the rice is not too dry. If the rice gets too dry, sprinkle some water.

      If you prefer softer glutinous rice, you can add more water and steam it for longer time.